1. Qumran--die Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer :
Author: Michael Fieger, Konrad Schmid, Peter Schwagmeier (Hrsg.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dead Sea scrolls,Dead Sea scrolls-- Relation to the New Testament,Dead Sea Scrolls,Dead Sea Scrolls-- Relation to the New Testament,Manuscrits de la mer Morte,Dead Sea scrolls.,Mer Morte, Manuscrits de la-- Congrès.,Neues Testament-- Qumrantexte-- Sankt Gallen 1999,Qumrantexte-- Neues Testament-- Sankt Gallen 1999,Qumrantexte-- Sankt Gallen 1999,Manuscrits de la Mer Morte-- Relation avec le Nouveau Testament, Congrès.,11.26 movements within Judaism.,Dode-Zeerollen.
Classification :